608-237-7035 / 815-243-9686

Americans love their pets, especially their dogs. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AMVA), dogs top the list of companion animals living in American households. Approximately 38.4% of all residences in the country is home to at least one dog.

Even the most mild-mannered dog can be triggered to bite. Injuries from dog bites can fall anywhere from minor to life-threatening. Sadly there are cases where dog attacks have resulted in death. What can you do if you or a loved one was attacked by a dog? After you seek medical attention for your injuries, consult with a Janesville dog bite injury attorney for legal guidance.

How Can You Obtain Compensation After You Have Been Bitten By A Dog?

In the state of Wisconsin, you have rights after a dog bite incident and you can sue the owner of the dog for your injuries. Under the statute, injuries suffered by a dog can be from a bite or from injuries when a dog jumps on you and knocks you over. The state uses a strict liability system. This system means that regardless of if the dog’s owner knew the animal could bite or not, any damages their pet does to another party is their responsibility. Additionally, a dog who has a history of attacks puts its owner at a higher risk for harsher penalties.

After your attack, you talk with the dog’s owner and see if they will agree to pay for your medical bills associated with your injuries. The best scenario is that they agree to take care of the costs you incur from medical treatment. However, this isn’t always the case.

If the dog’s owner won’t agree to help you with your costs, then you have to protect your rights. The state allows you a 3-year timeframe from the date of the attack to file a personal injury claim. If you fail to file during this period of time, you will lose your opportunity to obtain compensation for your damages. Speaking with an experienced Wisconsin personal injury attorney will ensure that your best interests are represented and that you don’t miss any of the filing deadlines.

Where Can You Find A Wisconsin Dog Bite Attorney?

A blue and orange logo is shown on the side of a black background.After your attack experience and after you have received treatment for your injuries, it is best to set up a resourceful Wisconsin dog bite law firm that has experience with dog bite injury cases. The legal team at the Alexander J. Smith Law Offices has many years of experience representing victims of dog bites. We know what information must be gathered to prove liability. We also know how to put together a strong personal injury claim that will win the victim the most compensation possible for their traumatic attack experience.

Every accident is different and the circumstances which caused the accident, as well as the outcome, are unique. Some cases may be worked through swiftly. As is true for most personal injury cases, the majority of cases won’t go to court. However, some will and when your case goes to court the length of time it will take to obtain your settlement is extended.

Call the team at the Alexander J. Smith Law Offices today to set up a free consultation at (608) 237-7035 for residents of Wisconsin or (815) 243-9686 for residents of Illinois. One of our highly knowledgeable Wisconsin and Illinois personal injury attorneys will help you obtain a full and fair settlement after your attack experience.